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How to Make Cowboy Boots Look New: Tips and Tricks

How to Make Cowboy Boots Look New: Tips and Tricks

Cowboy boots are popular footwear that can last for many years if taken care of properly. However, even the best boots can start to look worn over time.

Fortunately, there are many ways to make cowboy boots look new again. In this article, we’ll cover the best tips and tricks for restoring your boots to their former glory.

1. Clean and Condition Regularly

The first and most important step in maintaining your cowboy boots is to clean and condition them regularly.

Dirt and debris can accumulate on the surface of the boots, making them look dull and worn. Use a soft brush to remove dirt, and then apply a conditioning product to keep the leather soft and supple.

Be sure to use a conditioner specifically designed for cowboy boots to avoid damaging the leather.

A bag of Tecovas leather cleaner and leather conditioner with a cloth

Leather Cleaner and Conditioner | Image copyright Tecovas Boot Company | #CommissionEarned | Click image for more info

Find more on how to clean and condition cowboy boots here (step-by-step instructions):


2. Dye Your Boots

If your boots have faded or discolored over time, dyeing them can be a great way to restore their color and make them look new again.

You can purchase leather dye at most shoe repair shops or online.

Before applying the dye, clean your boots thoroughly and let them dry completely.

Apply the dye evenly using a brush or sponge, and allow it to dry for at least 24 hours before wearing your boots again.

Find more on how to dye cowboy boots here (step-by-step instructions)!

3. Store Your Boots Properly

When you’re not wearing your cowboy boots, it’s important to store them properly to prevent damage and keep them looking new.

Use a boot tree or stuff the toes of your boots with tissue paper to help them maintain their shape.

Mens boot tree from Tecovas

Image copyright Tecovas Boot Company | #CommissionEarned | Click image for more info

Store your boots in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Avoid stacking your boots on top of each other, as this can cause them to lose their shape over time.

Check out the article “How to Store Cowboy Boots” for more tips here (step-by-step instructions).

cowboy boots in storage closet

4. Keep Your Boots Dry

Wet cowboy boots can be a breeding ground for bacteria and can cause the leather to crack and fade over time.

To keep your boots dry, avoid wearing them in the rain or snow. If your boots do get wet, wipe them down with a soft cloth and let them air dry away from direct heat sources.

Never use a hair dryer or other heat source to dry your boots, as this can cause the leather to shrink and crack.

Alternatively, you can use a boot dryer, which uses gentle heat and air to dry your boots without damaging them.

Boot dryer

Find more on how to dry cowboy boots here (step-by-step instructions)!

5. Use Your Boots Properly

When it comes to using your cowboy boots properly, it’s important to choose the right type of boot for the right purpose.

For example, if you’re planning on using your cowboy boots for work, you’ll want to opt for boots with rugged construction and sturdy soles that can handle the wear and tear of hard labor.

On the other hand, if you’re wearing your cowboy boots for fashion, you’ll want to choose a more delicate pair, as fashion boots are often designed with a more fragile construction and may not hold up as well to heavy use

Using the wrong type of cowboy boots for the wrong purpose can not only damage your boots but can also put you at risk of injury.

That’s why it’s important to take the time to consider what you’ll be using your boots for before making a purchase.

distressed vs. elegant cowboy boots

6. Polish Cowboy Boots

One of the easiest and most effective ways to make cowboy boots look new is by polishing them.

You can use a good quality leather cleaner and conditioner to remove dirt and grime, and then apply a matching color leather polish to restore the shine.

man is polishing cowboy boots with stitching

Apply the polish evenly and let it dry before buffing the boots with a soft cloth.

Here’s the full and thorough guide on how to polish cowboy boots here (step-by-step instructions)!

7. Spray Paint Cowboy Boots

Another option is to use spray paint to give your cowboy boots a fresh new look.

Choose a spray paint color that matches your boots and make sure to use a paint formulated for use on leather or fabric.

Clean your boots thoroughly and let them dry before spraying on the paint. Apply several thin coats, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

To know the full process, check out this article on how to spray paint cowboy boots here (step-by-step instructions)!

8. Replacing the Soles

If you notice that the soles of your cowboy boots are worn out, it may be time to replace them.

This can be a bit of a complicated process, so we recommend that you read our article on how to replace the soles of cowboy boots.

However, if you’re not confident in your ability to do it yourself, we highly recommend taking your boots to a professional cobbler.

They have the tools and expertise to replace the soles properly and ensure that your boots last for years to come.

Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations from friends or online communities to find a reputable cobbler near you.

Cobbler changes the heel


By following these tips and tricks, you can keep your cowboy boots looking new for years to come.

Regular cleaning and conditioning, dyeing your boots, storing them properly, keeping them dry, and using them properly are all essential steps in maintaining the beauty and durability of your cowboy boots.

With a little bit of care and attention, you can enjoy your boots for many years to come.